Thursday, 24 November 2016

Conservation Works 2016 - Complete

Our conservation works for 2016 are now complete.  The inside of the church has been cleared of loose material and a Geo textile membrane has been laid to suppress vegetation regrowth.  This has been covered with a layer of crushed stone.  This will allow much easier access to the church and allow us to continue with our conservation programme.

Transporting the stone to the site was a very labour intensive job and required many days of hard work.  It is great to see St Catherine's Church benefit from these very necessary conservation works.  There are still a number of years work required to ensure that this most historic of structures will be there for future generations to enjoy and learn from!

Chancel and Nave

View of nave and chancel from the west door

View of Transept

Another view of Transept
We would like to thank the Heritage Council for its continued support of the conservation of St Catherine's Church, Murray Landscaping for their diligence and hard work, John Cronin & Associates and also to the Killybegs Community for its support. 

Go raibh mile maith agat