Tuesday, 21 June 2016

2016 Conservation Works - St Catherine's Church

The conservation works on St Catherine's Church has begun!  Murray Landscaping began clearing out the interior of the church with the supervision of archaeologist Martin McGonigle of John Cronan & Associates.
Beginning the clearing.

  All loose stones from inside the church are being lifted and taken to agreed location in the graveyard and will be reused during further conservation works.
The large tree stump that was removed from the top of the wall during conservation works in 2015.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Heritage Council Funding Conservation Works 2016

The Killybegs History and Heritage Committee have secured a grant of €7000 from the Heritage Council. This funding will be used to clean the interior of the St Catherine's Church and lay down a Geo-textile barrier which will be covered by a layer of gravel stones.  This work will allow us create better access for further conservation works on the walls. 

The Killybegs History and Heritage Committee would like to acknowledge the continued support of the Heritage Council in the ongoing conservation of St Catherine's Church.

Interior of the chancel and nave

Interior of the transept