Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Killybegs Graveyards Website

The Killybegs Local Training Initiative have been working on developing a website that contains the details of every grave in Killybegs' three graveyards, St Catherine's, St John's and the large graveyard on the Shore road (Killybegs Graveyard).  This represents a huge amount of painstaking work carried out by trainees who attend the LTI.

Every grave can found using the search feature on the website and at present St Catherine's and St John's memorials can be explored using an interactive map. A map for Killybegs Graveyard is in progress (over 600 graves).

This site is very useful for both genealogical and historical research.  It is also useful for people from Killybegs who are living in distant parts.

Each grave has its own page and contains a photograph with a zoom feature, the inscription on the memorial and details regarding stone type and decoration etc. 

Below is an example of a page on the website - the grave is of the Hamilton family in St Johns Church.

Detail of page on the website

 The site is a work in progress but the almost all the graves are accessible through the website.  

If you come across any mistake you can contact us at the Killybegs LTI and we will correct any errors immediately.

You can contact us at or 074 9741903.  

Heritage Council Funding secured for St Catherine's Church 2015

The Killybegs History and Heritage committee are pleased to announce that €3500 in funding has been secured from the Heritage Council.  This funding will contribute towards the preparation of conservation specifications and method statements which are needed to allow us to gain consent from the National Monuments Service, detail what work needs to be carried out on the church and how that work is to be done.

John Cronin & Associates, Archaeological Consultants, and John Greene, Conservation Architect will visit the site and prepare all necessary documents.

Our thanks to the Heritage Council for continued support.

Detail of Cherub from Morrison grave 1826, St Catherine's

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

East Gable Conservation Works a Success

The first stage of conservation works on St Catherine's Church in Killybegs has been completed.  Funding from the Heritage Council allowed us to carry out works to the Chancel gable.  This section of the church was most at risk from collapse due to the large tree growing on top of the north side of the gable.

Before conservation work - view from east
Before conservation work - From north - Look at the lean!

John Cronin and Associates were the consulting archaeologists with input from John Greene who is a conservation architect.  We were lucky to have the services of Eamonn Hunter, an experienced conservation contractor who carried out the work. 

Work in progress

Repairing south side of gable

External view of repairs

Internal view of repairs

The Killybegs History and Heritage Committee are pleased to announce that the first phase of major conservation repairs has ensured that the most critical part of the church is now in much better condition.
The Committee would like to thank the input from the Killybegs Local Training Initiative, the support of the local community and to the Heritage Council for funding this very worthwhile project.